Juruena is home to the biggest Wolf Fishes on the planet! These prehistoric fish reach incredible sizes in our region due to the preservation and the practice of catch and release! There is also a huge variety of species found all in excellent quantity, such as jaú, cachara, jundiá, payara, matrinxã, peacockbass, corvina, bicuda, pacu, pirapitinga, tambaqui and many others.

Fishing in a preserved region, with wild forests, dozens of islands, thousands of species of plants and birds, animals typical of the Amazon fauna, rapids of stones that seem to have been drawn, besides being able to visit the largest waterfall in the Brazilian Amazon, the Salto Augusto, are some of the factors that make the river and Juruena Lodge a different places, and ready to receive you, your family and friends!

Our guides are local, being very experienced and in-depth knowledgeable of the region, taking you to the best fishing spots to come face to face with your trophy!

Always have your amateur fishing license on board. It is mandatory and valid throughout the national territory. If you haven’t already, click here to issue your fishing license!